
What you’ll get with VELA


Stay connected with Vela Instant Messaging, anytime, anywhere.

Audio & Video Calls

Enjoy crystal-clear audio calls and face-to-face video conversations


Host virtual meetings and seminars effortlessly from any device anywhere.

Security & Privacy

Ensure your data remains private and confidential using state of the art encryption technology and on premise or private cloud data storage.


Make international calls using GSM technology through VELA, ensuring constant connectivity even in the absence of traditional phone services.


24/7 Support Team

Access around-the-clock assistance via email, phone, and chatbot to address any queries or issues, ensuring you receive the answers you need at all hours.

Assigned Support POC

Gain personalized guidance and efficient issue resolution with a dedicated member of our support team assigned to your account.

Deployment Team

Efficiently deploy VELA Suite on your premise or private cloud with the expertise of our in-house deployment team, saving you time and effort.

New Release Support

Stay up-to-date with new releases of VELA with assistance from our support team. They will guide you in adopting new features and best practices for optimal utilization of the updated platform.

Migration Assistance

Our knowledgeable deployment and support team will aid in your transition to VELA by assisting with the migration of your data to the new system. This ensures a smooth transition, allowing you to hit the ground running.

Remote Assistance

Receive instant, remote troubleshooting, assistance, and support to help you resolve issues from any location.

VELA Health Check

Proactively monitor the health of VELA with continuous monitoring and early issue detection.

Ready to make VELA part of your organization?

Talk to our sales experts about what VELA can do for you, and get a tailored quote based on your organization's unique needs.

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