VELA for Legal Teams

Justice, Virtually Served

VELA is designed to enhance the success of legal teams worldwide. The platform facilitates seamless collaboration, enables efficient client meeting scheduling, and streamlines documentation management, all within a secure and unified environment.

Enhanced Connectivity

Empower legal teams with real-time communication through VELA Video and Audio Calls, Messaging, and Callout features. Streamline discussions, enabling efficient issue resolution, insight sharing, and decision-making within a unified, secure platform.

Streamlined Client Sessions

Enhance client meetings with VELA Conferencing, allowing legal teams flexibility and convenience in conducting sessions from any location.

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Protected Document Exchange

VELA's robust security features enable secure sharing of confidential legal documents, ensuring client confidentiality and compliance with industry standards.

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Securing Your Data

VELA ensures security through advanced measures, including end-to-end encryption, multi-factor authentication, and mobile device management. Crucially, all data is stored on your organization's premises or private cloud, ensuring complete organizational ownership.

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Focused Legal Communication

Legal teams can utilize tracks to establish dedicated channels for clients, cases, or projects, consolidating case-related information for organized and accessible details, communications, and documents.

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We invite you to further explore how VELA Secure Collaboration can help your Legal Team achieve new heights in your business communications. Please contact us for a demonstration or additional pricing information.

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