Back in Action

In the evolving landscape of post-pandemic work, organizations face unique challenges and opportunities relating to employees returning to physical offices. VELA is positioned to play a crucial role in facilitating this transition, ensuring returning employees have a secure and seamless platform for communication and collaboration upon their return to the office.

Why Organizations Encourage Returning to the Office

To Enhance Team Collaboration

To Cultivate Company Culture

For Enhanced Employee Mentoring and Skill Development

For Facilitating Networking and Relationship Building Opportunities

Efficient Device Oversight

Simplify device management for returning employees, ensuring proper configuration, security compliance, and seamless resource access in a cost-effective, efficient, and secure manner.

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Adaptable Work Environments

VELA's on-the-go access empowers employees transitioning back to the office, enabling flexible work arrangements and the utilization of temporary spaces like hot desks and meeting rooms during the adjustment period or until permanent locations are available.

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Trusted Session

Trusted Session, restricts access to the platform to one device at a time, bolstering platform security. This feature, when employed, prevents unauthorized access to user accounts by colleagues or individuals using devices at home.

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Effortless Data Harmony

As employees transition to the office, Seamless Sync ensures all data is up-to-date across devices, eliminating delays before commencing work.

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We invite you to further explore how VELA Secure Collaboration can help your Sales Team achieve new heights in your business communications. Please contact us for a demonstration or additional pricing information.

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