Effortless Access, Maximum Security

In an age where online privacy is paramount, VELA's Trusted Session feature secures your account against unauthorized access by restricting logins to the VELA platform to one device at a time.

Session Management

VELA automatically logs out of any inactive session when you log in from another device, reducing the risk of unauthorized access in case a device is left unattended.

Reduced Vulnerability

Trusted Session reduces attack points by allowing access from only one device at a time, minimizing the vulnerability of your account to potential security threats.

Adherence to Security Best Practices

Align with industry security best practices by utilizing the Trusted Session feature, a security feature designed to meet the highest standards, ensuring your data remains confidental and protected.

We invite you to further explore how VELA Secure Collaboration can help your Sales Team achieve new heights in your business communications. Please contact us for a demonstration or additional pricing information.

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